This webinar discussed measures that countries have taken to ensure continuity of quality maternal health services at a time when COVID-19 mitigation measures are impacting access to essential health services. Speakers presented how health professionals have changed the way they provide quality care around the time of childbirth – especially when it comes to referrals and maternal complications.
An obstetrician-gynecologist from Uganda shared how a project in Kampala has adapted its implementation model to encourage women to seek care during the pandemic. An expert from the Ghana Health Service presented an example on referrals and transport strategies during COVID-19.
Dr. Tedbabe Degefie Hailegebriel, Senior Adviser for Maternal and Newborn Health, UNICEF
Dr. Blerta Maliqi, Technical Officer, Department for Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, World Health Organization.
With inputs from Dr. Isaballa Segoe-Moses, Deputy Director Family Health (RCH), Ghana Health Service and Dr. Roseline Dansowaa Doe, Maternal and Child Health Officer, World Health Organization in Ghana.
See the whole series
This is the third webinar in a series on ‘Delivering quality essential maternal, newborn and child health services during COVID-19’. Quality of care experts will share global guidance and country experiences around quality of care for maternal, newborn and child health in the context of COVID-19.
Photo: A pregnant woman waits for a check up and treatment at Adumi Health Center, Arua District, Uganda, in December 2015. © UNICEF/UN03320/Ose.