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Quality improvement that works: Mentoring, supervision and involving the community Lessons

The Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal and Newborn Health (Quality of Care Network), organized a webinar to share some of the lessons from the Maternal and Neonatal Implementation for Equitable Systems (MANIFEST) project which the Makerere University School of Public Health run in 2012-2015.

The study was conducted in three districts in Eastern Uganda to help reduce maternal and neonatal deaths through the use of a participatory action research approach.

The speaker, Dr Suzanne Kiwanuka, explained how this approach involved communities, district and facility management simultaneously. She highlighted how mentoring and supervising quality improvement teams were key in seeing quality improvement take hold in a facility.

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The MANIFEST project has published a Supplement in Global Health Action. The lessons of the project are also documented in a series of nine Briefing Papers and a documentary.

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