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Nurturing care for every newborn

Thursday 23 September 2021

This webinar launched the Thematic Brief Nurturing care for every newborn and shared examples of practical actions to create and strengthen nurturing environments for newborns, including those born too soon, small or sick.

What happens during early childhood lays the foundation for a lifetime. Evidence has demonstrated clearly that the first hours, days and weeks after birth – the newborn period – are a precious time for a child’s survival, health and development. Knowledge and tools are available to provide every newborn with nurturing care that involves parents and other caregivers directly. To create the enabling environment for providing developmentally supportive care, there is a need to invest in policies, health systems and community awareness. As more newborns survive, we now need to make sure that they also can thrive. This is especially important for small and sick babies who are at greater risk of mortality, illness or disability when deprived from quality care.

Welcome: Olive Cocoman (Quality of Care Network Secretariat)

Part 1: What is nurturing care for every newborn

Introduction to the Thematic Brief:  Ornella Lincetto and Bernadette Daelmans (WHO)
Infant and family centered developmental care explained: Louise Tina Day (LSHTM)
A parent perspective: Silke Mader (EFCNI)
Part 2: Creating nurturing environments for newborns

Facilitated by Bernadette Daelmans, Unit Head Child Health and Development, World Health Organization

India: Influencing national policy and standards – Prof Arti Maria
Lebanon: Care for child development in newborn services – Dr Lama Charafeddine
Sweden: Making NICU’s infant and family-friendly – Ylva Thernström Blomqvist
The Philippines: Integrating developmentally supportive newborn care in the national health benefit package – Dr Socorro De Leon- Mendoza
Colombia: Sustaining kangaroo mother care during COVID-19 – Dr Nathalie Charpak
Part 3: Questions and Answers

Facilitated by Sheila Manji, ECD Specialist Child Health and Development, World Health Organization

Part 4: Reflections from partners

Facilitated by Shekufeh Zonji, Global Technical Lead, ECD Action Network

Lily Kak (USAID)
Prof Joy Lawn (LSHTM)
Alison Morgan (Global Financing Facility)
Neena Khadka (USAID Momentum)
Closing remarks:

Facilitated by Bernadette Daelmans

Tedbabe Hailegebriel (UNICEF)
Anshu Banerjee (WHO)
This webinar was organized by the World Health Organization and UNICEF, in collaboration with the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, the Quality of Care subgroup of the Child Health Task Force, and the ECD Action Network.

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