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©UNICEF/WHO.Attribution needed

Engaging the private sector for quality of care: Lessons from Together for Her Health: creating a market for quality of care in India

This webinar  shared what Together for Her, a web- and mobile-based platform developed by Avegen Health and supported by Merck for Mothers to improve maternity health experiences in private facilities, has learnt from the challenges of creating a market for quality of care. Speakers talked about how Together for Her Health has expanded its online rating platform to provide a comprehensive maternal care programme. They also addressed how the online platform was leveraged to support quality of care during COVID-19.

This is the second webinar in a series on ‘Engaging the private sector for quality maternal, newborn and child health care’, co-organized by the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the World Health Organization.  

Photo:© UNICEF/UNI90448/Khemka

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