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©UNICEF/WHO.Attribution needed

Developing and testing changes

The Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (Quality of Care Network) held a webinar on ‘Point of care quality improvement for maternal and newborn health – Step 3: Developing and testing changes’ on 15 June.

Dr Esther Karamagi  presented the work of a quality improvement team in a facility in Western Uganda to improve the use of partograph as a monitoring tool during labour. Sr Mary Atim described her experience using quality improvement methods to make partpgraphs more and better used in the hospital.

This is the 4th webinar in a series on point of care quality improvement. Read more about the series and access the materials from previous webinars here

(Photo: In April 2013 in Nigeria, a woman holds her infant at Father Matthias Health Care Centre in the town of Naka, in Gwer West, a Local Government Area of Benue State. She is awaiting vaccination and growth monitoring for her child. ©UNICEF/Esiebo)

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