National Guideline on Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) – Bangladesh
This national guideline on MPDSR is intended for health and family planning managers, planners, development partners, professionals, health care providers and field level health and family planning staffs to understand and know about MPDSR implementation in Bangladesh.
National Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Framework – Bangladesh
This document aims to standardize the ICU development, service and its management; to provide management protocols of ICU; and to develop QI indicators/ tools for ensuring the Quality of Care in ICU.
National Patient Safety Strategic Plan – Bangladesh
This strategic plan will be useful to the planners, policy makers, health manager and health care providers at different levels to understand details about patient safety issue.
National Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health Quality Improvement Framework – Bangladesh
A guideline to help programme managers the service providers in designing, delivering and monitoring quality RMNCAH services in Bangladesh.
A mapping and synthesis of tools for stakeholder and community engagement in quality improvement initiatives for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health
Stakeholder and community engagement promotes collaboration and gives service users an opportunity to actively participate in the care they receive. This document identifies tools and operational guidance to integrate stakeholder and community engagement into quality improvement implementation.