Every Newborn Action Plan
Discussed at the 67th World Health Assembly, Member States endorsed the document and made firm commitments to put in practice recommended actions. The Director General has been requested to monitor progress towards the achievement of the global goal and targets and report periodically to the Health Assembly until 2030.
Analysis and use of health facility data: guidance for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health programme managers
This guidance describes a catalogue of indicators for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health that can be monitored through health management information system data. It is a module of the WHO Toolkit for Routine Health Information Systems Data and links to relevant indicators from other programmatic modules of the WHO toolkit.
Inequality Monitoring in Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health: A Step-by-Step Manual
This is a practical introductory guide to strengthen and build capacity for quantitative inequality monitoring in SRMNCAH. The technical content of the manual is primarily written and designed for those involved in national SRMNCAH monitoring and evaluation efforts, including officers and programme managers who have basic knowledge and experience working with SRMNCAH data.
Improving the Quality of Care for Mothers and Newborns in Health Facilities – Point of care quality improvement, facilitator and learner manuals
Point of Care Quality Improvement (POCQI) is a simplified 4-step model to enable and empower health workers teams to use their local data to identify quality gaps (problems or issues), undertake root-cause analysis in their own context, and identify and implement a solution to address the identified quality problem. PDSA cycles are used to test […]
Improving Care of Mothers and Babies®: A guide for improvement teams, Africa and Asia:
This guide describes six steps to improve care and tells a story of how staff in a facility followed these six steps to provide better care. It can be used by a leader or facilitator to help others learn about improvement. It may also be used as a self-study manual by improvement teams.
Nurturing care handbook: Operationalizing the Nurturing Care Framework
The handbook is organized around five strategic actions. For each strategic action, the guides include: overviews, suggested actions, common barriers, tools and checklists for common tasks, indicators for monitoring progress, links to helpful articles and websites, and case studies, showing how governments and other stakeholders around the world can put nurturing care into practice.
Guide pratique pour les soins attentifs: Renforcer les soins attentifs par l’intermédiaire des services de santé et de nutrition
Ce guide est destiné aux responsables et aux prestataires de services qui dirigent ou fournissent des services de santé et de nutrition au profit des jeunes enfants et des personnes qui s’en occupent, à tous les niveaux. Il a été élaboré en réponse aux demandes des praticiens et des équipes de pays qui ont pris […]
Nurturing care practice guide: strengthening care through health and nutrition services
This guide is designed for managers and service providers who are responsible for or provide health and nutrition services for young children and their caregivers at any level. It responds to requests from practitioners and country teams who have learned about the Nurturing Care Framework (https://nurturing-care.org/nurturing-care-framework-toolkit).
Every Mother Every Newborn (EMEN) Quality Improvement Guide for Health Facility Staff Guide
This guide will enable a health facility to organize a quality improvement team, conduct assessments, and develop effective approaches to implementing the Every Mother Every Newborn standards in order to improve the quality of care for every mother and newborn receiving care in the health facility.
New resources for point of care quality improvement
The “Coaching for Quality Improvement” and “Setting up and Managing a Quality Improvement Programme at District Level” guides are part of regional package of resources for improving the quality of care for mothers and newborns in health facilities, which also includes training manuals on point of care quality improvement’ for both facilitators and participants.