Engaging the private sector to deliver quality maternal and newborn health services for universal health coverage: lessons from policy dialogues
The findings from this research help strengthen the evidence base on engaging the private sector to deliver quality MNH services and show that this likely requires engagement with broader health systems factors.
Improving the Quality of Care for Mothers and Newborns in Health Facilities – Point of care quality improvement, facilitator and learner manuals
Point of Care Quality Improvement (POCQI) is a simplified 4-step model to enable and empower health workers teams to use their local data to identify quality gaps (problems or issues), undertake root-cause analysis in their own context, and identify and implement a solution to address the identified quality problem. PDSA cycles are used to test […]
Improving Care of Mothers and Babies®: A guide for improvement teams, Africa and Asia:
This guide describes six steps to improve care and tells a story of how staff in a facility followed these six steps to provide better care. It can be used by a leader or facilitator to help others learn about improvement. It may also be used as a self-study manual by improvement teams.
National Guideline on Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) – Bangladesh
This national guideline on MPDSR is intended for health and family planning managers, planners, development partners, professionals, health care providers and field level health and family planning staffs to understand and know about MPDSR implementation in Bangladesh.
National Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Framework – Bangladesh
This document aims to standardize the ICU development, service and its management; to provide management protocols of ICU; and to develop QI indicators/ tools for ensuring the Quality of Care in ICU.
National Patient Safety Strategic Plan – Bangladesh
This strategic plan will be useful to the planners, policy makers, health manager and health care providers at different levels to understand details about patient safety issue.
Photo-booklet on the Quality Rights initiative in Ghana
This report presents a pictorial evaluation of the QualityRights initiative in Ghana and other activities under the World Health Organization– Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (WHO-FCDO) Mental Health project in Ghana.
Technical brief: Nutrition Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health
The primary objective of the brief is to raise awareness among nutrition and MNCAH stakeholders (country and global) of the nutrition QoC standards, and of the opportunities to apply the standards to improve the quality of integrated MNCAH and nutrition services. The brief highlights early learning from three QoC Network countries (Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Ghana) […]
Assessing the quality of care for children attending health facilities: a systematic review of assessment tools
Using the WHO ‘Standards for improving quality of care for children and young adolescents in health facilities’ as a reference standard, this paper aims to evaluate existing tools that assess quality of care for children.
Ethiopian Health Care Quality Bulletin
This bulletin includes the major initiatives under the health service quality directorate and quality improvement projects and studies selected for learning.