Technical Brief on Maternal and Newborn Health and Nutrition in Humanitarian Settings
This brief provides nutrition and health program staff working in humanitarian settings with guidelines, tools, resources, and examples of best practices, to promote linkages and integrated service delivery across nutrition and maternal and newborn health in humanitarian response.
Note technique inter-secteurs sur la santé et la nutrition maternelles et néonatales dans les situations de crise humanitaire
Cette note propose au personnel des programmes de nutrition et de santé impliqués dans le soutien et la mise en œuvre de programmes humanitaires des orientations, des outils, des ressources et des exemples pour renforcer la coordination entre les acteurs de la SMN et de la nutrition.
Technical brief: Nutrition Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health
The primary objective of the brief is to raise awareness among nutrition and MNCAH stakeholders (country and global) of the nutrition QoC standards, and of the opportunities to apply the standards to improve the quality of integrated MNCAH and nutrition services. The brief highlights early learning from three QoC Network countries (Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Ghana) […]
Nurturing care handbook: Operationalizing the Nurturing Care Framework
The handbook is organized around five strategic actions. For each strategic action, the guides include: overviews, suggested actions, common barriers, tools and checklists for common tasks, indicators for monitoring progress, links to helpful articles and websites, and case studies, showing how governments and other stakeholders around the world can put nurturing care into practice.
Guide pratique pour les soins attentifs: Renforcer les soins attentifs par l’intermédiaire des services de santé et de nutrition
Ce guide est destiné aux responsables et aux prestataires de services qui dirigent ou fournissent des services de santé et de nutrition au profit des jeunes enfants et des personnes qui s’en occupent, à tous les niveaux. Il a été élaboré en réponse aux demandes des praticiens et des équipes de pays qui ont pris […]
Nurturing care practice guide: strengthening care through health and nutrition services
This guide is designed for managers and service providers who are responsible for or provide health and nutrition services for young children and their caregivers at any level. It responds to requests from practitioners and country teams who have learned about the Nurturing Care Framework (