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©UNICEF/WHO.Attribution needed

Every Woman Every Newborn in Somalia

Download the full profile with additional key demographics, progress against milestones, and more.

©UNICEF/Quarmyne. The successful birth of a newborn is a testament to the dedication and expertise of skilled midwives like those at Hargeisa Group Hospital’s neonatal ward. With their extensive training in midwifery, nursing, and SHR, they ensure that every newborn receives the best possible care. This photo captures the joy of a successful birth, made possible by the hard work and commitment of healthcare professionals. Backed by UNFPA support, midwives like those at Hargeisa Group Hospital are making a difference in the lives of vulnerable infants and their families.

National mortality targets

mortality ratio

400 per 100,000 live births
by 2027


28 per 1,000 live births
by 2023

Neonatal mortality rate

30 per 1,000 live births
by 2023

Progress to meet the national maternal, newborn mortality and stillbirth reduction targets

©UNICEF/WHO. Midwives Ismehem Abdi Said and Suleikha Ahmed hold two precious babies at Hargeisa Group Hospital’s neonatal ward. With their extensive training in midwifery, nursing, and SHR, Ismehem and Suleikha are committed to ensuring the best possible start for every newborn in their care. The neonatal ward is a vital facility where the immediate care of healthcare professionals like Ismehem and Suleikha can make all the difference in the survival and well-being of vulnerable infants.

Progress to meet Every Woman Every Newborn Everywhere coverage targets

MNH Acceleration Plan highlights

  • Develop SRH-R policies in addressing cultural barriers, harmful traditional practices, and improving access to lifesaving interventions  & Emergencies.
  • Develop national guideline for sick and small newborn care Services delivery
  • Explore interventions suitable for the nomads, rural, IDPs, marginalised and hard to reach communities with quality of MNH through expansion of service delivery
  • Organize FMOH Health Donor Forum for advocating MNH investment
  • Review existing human resource for health (MNH) with a target to increase the number of skilled birth attendants (Midwives & Doctors with C/S surgical skills)
  • Develop curriculum and train community based auxiliary midwives to increase access of MNH services delivery

©UNICEF/Quarmyne. Redait Tsegay, beneficiary, going to a health center, Neqsege

©UNICEF/Quarmyne. Attribution needed

Quality of care in Somalia

As part of its efforts to reduce maternal and newborn mortality and stillbirths, Somalia is taking steps to improve the quality of maternal and newborn health. These include:

  • Develop a quality of healthcare strategy for Somalia
  • Adopt quality of care standard for ;aternal and newborn health, sick and small newborns and pediatrics, including quality of care indicators.
  • Strengthen the maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response (MPDSR) system.
  • Establish a database for MPDSR and link it with the quality of care mechanisms

News and events
